Ferguson HVAC Training
XV Variable Speed Communicating Systems Certification
Mar 27, 2024 - 8:00am - 12:00pm EST$75 per attendeeRegistration closed | Hagerstown, MD955-B Sweeney Drive, Hagerstown, MD 21740Get Directions |
**The Trane online 8-hour Variable Speed Outdoor Product Technical training and certification are a pre-requisite for this class. Each attendee MUST bring a copy of the completion certificate from Comfortsite. Please contact your local Ferguson Branch to gain access to Comfortsite. Both the online pre-requisite AND your attendance in class is required in order to receive access to pricing for communicating equipment.** For Advanced Techs: This training provides in depth detailed diagnostics which includes understanding and utilizing the CDA (Communicating Display Assembly) as well as establishing a diagnostic process for the XV equipment. Understanding and utilizing resources surrounding the XV platform and the prevention of misdiagnosis will be discussed. The class will include a copy of the Technical Service Manual. This class is the certification class and will include an exam requiring a passing grade for certification.