August 8, 2024
Ruud® CashBack Payment Method Update:
Discontinuation of Pay Cards

Ruud is discontinuing the use of pay cards as a payment option to receive CashBack rebates
in 2025. The only payment method available will be direct deposit. Below are key dates
and deadlines to be aware of as we make this change.
Starting January 1, 2025: Contractors that still have a pay card set up as their CashBack
payment method will have their payment method automatically cleared and must update it to
direct deposit before they will be allowed to file their first CST claim for 2025 and receive 2025
CashBack rebates.
Starting August 1, 2024: Contractors who are either setting up their payment method for
the first time or already have direct deposit as their payment method will no longer have the
option to select pay card as their form of CashBack payment. Direct deposit will be the only
option available to sign up for or switch to if previously receiving pay cards.
On August 1, 2024: Contractors can begin changing their payment method from a pay
card to direct deposit through the CST Dashboard on If a contractor wishes to
update their payment method before August 1, 2024, a request must be sent to the Help Desk