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Tech Tips

Tech Tips is another great way that Ferguson HVAC brings you more information without leaving your place of business. We have expert staff eager to share articles about the equipment you use. Read about solutions, best practices and user guides for all of your major equipment needs.

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10.06.23 News
Maintenance Tips For The Fall
Now that summer is winding to an end and fall is upon us, it’s time to start thinking about those yearly maintenance tips you should be discussing with your customers. Change Air Filters Over the summer months with the windows open, plenty of dust and outside particles have clogged up the filters which forces…
01.06.23 Tech Tips
Build Customer Relationships with HVAC Monitoring
HVAC monitoring helps you stay connected to customers, so they can always get in touch when they need you most.HVAC monitoring 1, now on all Nest thermostats, looks out for issues with a customer’s heating and cooling system and sends an alert if something doesn’t seem right. They can also get alerts when…
06.27.22 Tech Tips
5 Ways Changing the Compressor Can Save You Money!
When the compressor needs replacing, many homeowners and contractors consider the option of replacing the entire system. Here are 5 reasons why changing the compressor is the more cost-effective option. Less Labor – A single tech can change a compressor, whereas a system change-out requires at least two crew…
06.27.21 Tech Tips
Install a Pressure Switch with Your Compressor
Pressure switches are an inexpensive way to keep a compressor from running in adverse pressure situations, either low or high. Whether it be a dirty filter, system restriction or system leak, shutting down the compressor before it damages itself can save the homeowner and you a lot of time and money. Ferguson…
05.10.21 Tech Tips
The Importance of a Torque Wrench When Installing Mini-splits
To ensure the accurate tightness of fittings, it is important to use a torque wrench when installing mini-splits. In heat pump applications, the expansion and contraction of the suction and liquid lines tends to weaken the flare connections. To make sure you have a strong connection, flare connections…