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Ferguson HVAC Training

Ruud EcoNet Zoning

Mar 26, 2024 - 8:00am - 11:00am CST$49.00 per attendeeRegistration closedNashville, TN1708 Elm Hill Pike, Nashville, TN 37210Get Directions

This class will go over the proper way to sell, size, and set up the Ruud Econet zone system. This class will benefit installers, service techs, and salespeople alike.

Curriculum will include understanding the components that make up Econet zoning, the proper way to size and install a bypass on both the new mid-tier and high efficacy systems, using duct calculators to properly size both metal and flex duct systems, and the proper process to set up the Econet zone system. At the end, students will be challenged to properly size a system themselves.

Each student will receive a book on Econet zoning as well as access to digital books. A duct calculator will also be provided.

Breakfast will be provided. This class will be held in the large HVAC conference room.